Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Aqua Gear All Weather Protection Case

Tired of taking pictures from the sidelines.  Missed capturing candid shots in the water.  Reduce the risk of getting your camera wet. Found this great water proof case at True Value ATC.  The regular price for the Aqua Gear All Weather Protection Case is Php 799.75.  Since it was on sale for 70% off, I only got it for Php 200++.  Not bad if I may say so myself.  Since, We were going to the beach the coming weekend, thought that this was a perfect opportunity to take the Aqua Gear All Weather Protection Case for a spin.

I used our Canon Power Shot  AS2400IS for the Aqua Gear All Weather Protection Case.  Although the size of the camera is almost exactly the same as the case,  I found out that it was not an exact fit.  The camera lens was not perfectly aligned to the case, so every time the camera lens extends it would bump the case and automatically turn-off.   I used rubber spacers to position the camera in place.

The camera is locked and sealed into place, preventing from accidental opening and preventing dirt and water from coming in. It also comes with a strap making it easy for you to carry around.  The case also provides extra protection from damage caused from from accidentally dropping or hitting your camera on hard surfaces.

Taking pictures with the Aqua Gear All Weather Protection Case is pretty decent.  However, I found that you can't zoom the Canon Power Shot  AS2400IS, since, access to the buttons is limited to the back and top of the camera.  The Canon Power Shot  AS2400IS uses a toggle switch for the zoom function which is accessed from the front of the camera.

Make sure to wipe the front of the case from time to time before taking a shot as water droplets tend to accumulate.

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