Saturday, July 14, 2012

Canon Powershot A2400IS

For quite some time now, I've been wanting to upgrade my old point and shoot camera.  My 3 kids are growing up at an astronomical rate and I wanted to catch those special moments with a better quality camera.  Definitely a DSLR camera captures better quality pictures than a conventional point and shoot camera.  However, with the difference in price and the easy of use, a DSLR camera will not seem to fit my needs.  After all, I didn't want to buy something that I didn't know how to use.  The equipment is definitely only as good as it's user.  Maybe sometime in the future when I get more experience and after some photography classes. But now a good point and shoot camera will be just fine.

After looking around at some the available point and shoot cameras in the market, nothing quite caught my eye as the Canon Powershot A2400 IS.  At the time I bought it a couple of months back, It had some of the highest specs. vs. price range at the time.

However, here are some other things that sold me on the Canon Powershot A2400 IS:

1. 16.0 Megapixels
2. 5X Optical Zoom
3. A pretty decent battery life. A full charged battery can last an entire day of use, which is just right for people like me who like to view the pictures immediately after every shot.

4. Ease of use. No complicated functions and menus.  Even on manual mode, the Canon Powershot A2400IS seems to work on automatic mode.

5. A free camera case and 4GB memory is thrown in for good measure.
6. It's elegant design, light weight, and portability is definitely a plus.
7. However, what sold me the most is Canon Powershot A2400IS's ability to capture decent quality pictures in low lighting conditions w/ or w/o the use a flash.

This picture was taken inside and Oceanarium with low lighting condition and no flash...

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