Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Things to consider when buying an MP3 Player

The advent of technology has brought about change in the way we view the MP3 player. The MP3 Player which was thought of as a thing of luxury has now become a necessity. People now a days seem to can't leave their homes without the MP3 player. Be it work, play, exercise, or simply relaxing the MP3 player is always there. With a wide selection of brands to choose from the search for the perfect MP3 becomes more challenging than ever. Here are a few things you should consider when buying a new MP3 player.

1. You should always ask yourself on how are going to use your MP3 player. Different brands and models usually cater to particular needs or activities.

2. Memory capacity. You should always check the memory capacity of your MP3 player as it usually determines the number of songs or tracks you could store. You could also consider an option for expandable memory. However, it is not really that important.

3. Battery life. No matter how big the capacity it will always be dependent on how long the batter life is or is the batter life long enough to allow you to enjoy all your songs or tracks.

4. Durability. Always consider, can the MP3 player withstand all the pressures and stress of daily use. Let's face it no matter how much you take care of your MP3 player, you may at one time drop it or bump into a hard surface.

5. Sound Quality. MP3 players were built to be listened too.

6. Warranty and Terms of Service. Your MP3 was not meant to last forever. So consider an MP3 player with excellent warranty and service.

7. Price per performance. Consider if based on the criteria above is the price worth it?

8. Add-on's and additional features: Though not as important, could also be a deciding factor in choosing your MP3 player.

* MP4 capability
* LCD Display
* FM radio capability
* Software utility
* Freebies and additional accessories

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